Assembly Docs & Product Manuals
Below you will find assembly instructions and product manuals for Rec Room Masters arcade cabinets and controllers. We have video assembly instructions available on our YouTube channel, you can also access the videos in the support section of our website by clicking here.
Our controller products manuals include detailed information on switching to Dinput, Xinput or keyboard modes which are all available thanks to the powerful IPAC encoder within. Understanding these modes and how to utilize them will give you the greatest control and flexibility allowing you to use our controllers in virtually any application for a smooth plug-and-play experience.
Whether you choose to run a PC based emulation system running a frontend like Hyperspin, Launchbox, Batocera, CoinOPS, a single board computer like a Raspberry Pi or even a Pandoras Box, our controllers will be able to handle them all.
Our “Pro Controller” is also compatible with consoles including the Sony Playstation 5.